Tuesday 17 September 2013

Lessons from LA : Socially connected businesses

WOW! What an amazing time PCE had in LA last week. Aside from the glitz, glamour and fun, one thing that could not escape our attention was how socially connected businesses were with their communities.

Now we are not talking about transnational corporations, we are talking about local small/medium enterprises that have created communities of fans that engage with the enterprise through social networks and in so doing share their experiences, provide feedback, provide virtually free advertising and constant sources of referrals.

All the business needs to do to perpetuate the success of the community is to engage in kind and respond with value.

But what are the ingredients that allow this to happen.

This is the beauty of the simplicity of the process.

These businesses :

1) Make it easy to connect with them.

2) Provide a service and customer experience that is compellingly shareable.

3) Respond to the interactions.

Whilst in LA PCE posed the question via twitter that asked financial services business to imagine that they provided an experience that was so good clients would "check in" while visiting their financial services professional. Take this a step further and imagine a service so good that the client would Instagram, Facebook, Tweet the experience "live" as it unfolded.

Crazy? No......rather a reality that leading businesses are creating.

1) Make it easy to connect

- provide and advertise that you have free wi-fi in your office especially in your waiting area

- in that space have QR codes or connection boards that invite your clients to connect via Twitter, Facebook, Yelp etc

- invite on that connection board clients to check in

- make sure you have active pages on these sites with great content

2) Provide a service and customer experience that is shareable

- name cards reserving a spot in the car park "welcome"

- great coffee

- kids play area

- magazines and articles in reception tailored to your clients specific interests (change them for each client coming in that day)

- take a leaf out of car sales : the photo and flowers of the proud new owners of an implemented statement of advice

Clients will share via social networks these experiences because you have made them feel special!!

3) Respond to the interaction

- "like" their check in

- respond with comments

- post their picture

Over all get social and nurture your client community.

From cafes, to doggy day care, from juice bars to blow wave bars, fitness centres and yes financial planners people in LA get social and share what is shareable.

It all starts with a compelling customer experience.

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