Friday 26 April 2013

Women, Motivation, Fear of Success, and Being Real

PCE is surrounded by lots of strong women. Gutsy, determined, motivated, fearless. Be it business or socially, at community and social groups : they are there : fighting. Fighting for a dream, a goal, sometime for sanity, for love, for what they believe in. These women are achievers.

But why is it that studies of achievement motivation do not predict the level of achievement motivation for females as well as these studies do for males?

Women often obtain higher test-anxiety scores than males. Are they just more anxious?

Maybe there is another explanation. Have females in our culture (Western) been encouraged to be successful, whilst also trying to live up to conventions : the good daughter, the dutiful wife, the multi tasking mother?

Is there a motive to avoid success and fear it : as women battle with convention?

Evidence from psychological studies shows exactly that. That fear of success or success avoidance is heightened when anxiety is present about breaking with convention or especially in relationships : being competitive with a male partner.

Differences in achievement therefore has nothing to do with ability but with culturally imposed sex differences in motivation.

Regardless of how strong and fierce the women PCE knows are: there is something to all people recognition, being valued, being supported, sense of purpose and support is critical.

Men have built support mechanisms for all of this : the workplace, the social culture of the workplace, the weekly boys night on a Friday.....and dare I say it

What's missing for women are these conventions and more : the conflict over dual roles requires a sense of purpose more clearly defined PLUS the support mechanisms from a partner of : the freedom to speak and communicate and be heard, and task mutuality doing things together that produce results: small wins here a key.

There are rules of engagement required. But women of the world hear this : be crystal clear about your WHY. Craft it, be specific, clear and then articulate it. Share it. Live it.

Above all once you have that clear purpose that is about you and you get the support to fulfil can afford to be fierce, fearless and driven....and all the rest will follow, because you have nurtured yourself first and when you are feeling like you are breaking through you really can do anything.

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Social Media Marketing Strategies for Financial Advisers

Today we are running a social media marketing and communications workshop for financial advisers.

Our love affair with SM started 4 years ago when in all seriousness we were considering career options.

After reading the basics in Groundswell by Charlene Li, then moving to The Hypersocial Organisation by Gossieaux and Moran and then Open Communication again by Li : it was discussed with an organisation we were involved with that the role of a social media manager was needed to build a community of our clients for collaboration.

They thought we were crazy. And nothing became of that.

After leaving that organisation our interest shifted to the practical application of social media for financial advisers.

And that what today is all about.

We refer today to the work of Safko and Amy Jo Martin : what does it take for success:

1) Whats you message?
2) How are you going to stand out?
3) What communication tools are you going to use?

So have something to say, make it interesting and publish it where people can find it.

Today we will talk about blogging, twitter, and social networks. How people use them and importantly how financial planners can easily apply these tools to their business.

But most of all the technology is not the hard part in fact it's the easiest.

What you need to do is:

- figure out what you want to say
- understand that you need to define to clients and prospects : why you?
- you need to be ready to be real, to share, to listen, to be responsive

Those last 4 points are the key to success in any marketing strategy.

Saturday 6 April 2013

Using mind maps in financial services

Here's a video that PCE recorded on a really effective technique to engage clients.

Monday 1 April 2013

The Power of Persuasion : key components of social media marketing

Aristotle described rhetoric, the art of persuasive speaking as having several components those being the characteristics of the speaker : ethos, the power of the message : pathos, and the logic of what is being said : logos.

Aristotle may have been a social media guru in today's world.

A credible speaker, a relevant message, the way in which the message is delivered, being innovative with the message and importantly picking the right community to deliver your message to are the key ingredients for any marketing campaign but especially one which can get instant delivery and feedback such as social media.

So what are these components one by one and how do you maximise your cut through when using social media?

The Source

Credibility 101. So you want to say something. Just who do you think you are? What credibility can you muster?

First : know what you want to say and then determine if you actually can command the authority to say it with believability. There is absolutely nothing wrong with using other sources to quote. The key is to have an opinion on it.

Having an opinion brings with it the power of credibility of authority. If you can combine that with charisma and being real then you're on a winner.

That is why videos work so well.

If you haves something to say then deliver it on person : that is video yourself, staff and anyone that interacts with your clients and talk about what you do for your clients and why.

The best and most powerful source of the message is and should be you.

The Message

It is not the 1990's anymore or worse the 1980's. Fear and greed may work : but it is short term and transactional and if you truly want to engage design a positive message that speaks to the dreams hopes and desires of clients. They want to learn, they want to bond and they want to acquire a better life. Design your message so your clients can see that your services are accessible and let them bond with you.

The Distribution of the message

So what's it going to be : words, visuals, audio, pod cast, text messages, snail mail : in a social media world : video, visuals, pod cast, pictures, : enhance the message by reaching the audience in multiple forms that appeal to different learning styles and stay longer in short term memory. Reinforcement of the message by multiple means cements the proposition in the minds of your audience.

The Right Community

Who are you trying to recruit to your message? Are you crystal clear on who is your ideal client? Only if you have a picture and an understanding of what is important to your key market will you have success. This means that for a time you are going to have to listen to your target audience, where they congregate, understand what they are following and what messages they are consuming. Only then will you be able to construct your message to be relevant and real to your ideal clients.

Those are the main time ....the how you can actually persuade people to make the right choice of using your services now that they are listening.