Friday 30 November 2012

Plan for 2013 - taking time out, to move ahead - power of mental replenishment

It's been a busy period for PCE and the to do list is longer than ever as plans are put in place for 2013.

The plans are expansive, ambitious and on first glance the biggest concern is how will we get all of this done?

Clearly careful structuring and utilisation of time are required. But critically PCE just needs to get it done - to be aggressive with action and push through any inertia slowing momentum.

In the run up though as PCE reflected on each day one thing was apparent - a demeanour that was stressed - hardly a positive disposition - the impact on PCE was palpable but the message that sends to clients is equally as destructive.

For the first time in 5 months then, PCE took a time out. It was a client event, but it was designed to take time out. The format was a pleasure cruise, a swim, good food and great company.

We laughed, took of our serious hats, talked some business but with a light heartedness that not only carried through the day but was taken home by PCE. Later that evening PCE quipped "Look I've had a hard day - I spent all day on a boat - I'm really tired" - and that brought the roar of laughter it was intended to from children and adults and the mood was infectious.

The lightness of being continued and as "so you think you can dance" screened, PCE performed an impromptu contemporary routine to the opening credits - all captured on an I Phone for future blackmailing.

What's my point?

You can not run at full speed all the time and expect your internal engine both mental and physical to operate without damage.

As Coach Carter says " a little gas....a little brake" have to be ready but replenishment of mind, body and spirit, provides that clarity of thought that actually provides for progress.

The Energy Project and their work " The Way We're Working Isn't Working" is all about replenishment and maximising working with your rhythms.

There is no sustainable rhythm to working in a highly stressed physical and mental state.

So as you plan for 2013 - take a pause - surround yourself with those in your business world who can contribute and support and collaborate with you in 2013 - but take business of the agenda - talk, laugh, share - and watch your mood and positivity for the year ahead move to the achievement zone.

The clarity you will obtain will make those plans sharper, the solutions clearer and the road ahead will in your mind straighten, flatten and seem increasingly achievable.

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