Tuesday 13 November 2012

5 Steps to Success

It's been a couple of weeks since PCEs last post. There's been a bit of travel that has been a pre-occupation, some daily life activities that have needed attending to, some personal development and well being that took priority but what has occupied PCE most,in these two weeks has been the opportunity to meet and sit down with some masters of client engagement and personal success.

What the clear message is from these meetings is that success comes from doing what you love.

Joseph Campbell offered us the phrase "follow your bliss". Or more exactly If you follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living. Wherever you are—if you are following your bliss, you are enjoying that refreshment, that life within you, all the time.

These businesses that PCE have met in the last two weeks are deliberately and methodically following and leading their clients into following their own bliss.

They have a process. They believe in it. They have developed it and honed it and adapted it to their personalities and the personalities of their client base.

At its core the process is simple:

1) Know and define what you want

2) Create a plan

3) Enlist the services of an action coach

4) Take action

5) Review and adjust

This is about being crystal clear on what it is that you want and creating a sequence and set of objectives in the form of a plan to get you where you want to be.

Having accountability and a guide is crucial.

You can apply this process to anything you do in life - anything that is important enough to you to apply considered thought and process to.

But for financial advice, wealth creation and protection businesses - building this into a client engagement process is by no means an easy proposition. What it requires is you living and experiencing your client service encounter and reflecting on how engaged you would be with your current process. Then answering the question - how would I like to be engaged.

Then follow the 5 steps above and make it a reality.

When you get to step 3 - maybe give PCE a call.

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