Sunday 30 December 2012

Ideas for your 2013 business planning

So we've provided you the template for a calendar of events to input into your 2013 business planning.

There's even a short YouTube posting:

Apologies for the angle we filmed that on!!!

But what are the events that you might consider?

Here's a few that we'll investigate individually for you over the following weeks but as a starter.

Ideas For 2013

1) Accountant / COI engagement : thank you event or kick start to new referral sources / or the year : take on a more social angle but highlighting the importance of the relationship and collaboration

2) Accountant / COI education session : use a business succession lawyer and educate on small business issues and case studies / add a claims case study : now you've got them thinking!

3) Client night: value add with speakers / topics that your top clients will find engaging : ask them to bring a friend : tie it into building their networks as well

4) Client communications : create an integrated communication campaign : incorporating all modes of communication: direct mail / flyers / social media : yes you might start listening via social networks : answer topical issues : create awareness : fulfil a need

5) Engage your trusted providers/suppliers for collaboration on client opportunity identification ie: work on files together and get the best outcome for your clients : that may not always be your number one provider so you have to trust whomever you collaborate with to give you honest assessments! Examples: look at specific subsets eg: SMSF and design ways to get more of these clients etc etc.

6) Use tele-underwriting and save up to 4 hours per application (get a day back a week!)
Look at group insurance opportunities in your client base

7) Look at adding a direct insurance offer on your website

8) Meet and spend time with your suppliers/product providers : do they run in house sessions where you can meet, engage and interact with your providers : do they have special events to engage : the more they know about your business the more creative suggestions and help you will / should share your 2013 vision and watch people line up to make it a reality for you.

We'll investigate each of these for you over the coming weeks.


  1. Happy New Year 2013!
    Information you have provided for the business planning in 2013 was very niche and helpful foe investing the money.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Professional Financial Planning Services
